Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (2024)


We are indebted to Heroes, who fearlessly stand in the line of duty to safeguard our freedom, our security and our way of life. They are only making our world safer, they are ensuring that it remains safe for the generations to come.

Every offering crafted by MKU is designed to empower them.



We are aware of our purpose and our mission to make this world a safer place for generations to come. We are extremely proud of the fact that we are in a position to empower heroes that are making this a reality. Our team understands that. It is about responsibility and we ensure that nothing, but the best goes out to our heroes.


Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (4)

is for

We are represented by the letter ‘M’ in our logo, as the enabling body that empowers heroes, The letter embodies the solid foundation of empowerment that the MKU team is built upon and strongly believes in. Our belief in our purpose and mission drives us internally and makes us passionate about what we do.

We are very human centric in our approach. We are about our heroes, our people, our team, our partners, they are at the core of what we do.

We have a global outlook, we form and nurture partnerships with like-minded organisations & people from around the world to empower our heroes, no matter where they are.

Our Story

How an intent turned into a resolve, and then into a passion

MKU, formerly known as M Kumar Udyog, was established in 1985, soon we had become the largest manufacturer and supplier of ‘Fibreglass helmets and Snow boots’ to the Indian army. Our current journey, started with a resolve to get the latest defence technologies into the country, when we noticed how cumbersome and heavy armour was being used by our forces in the Kargil war.

Developing industry leadership and expanding globally

We were the first company to develop and manufacture light weight composite armour outside US and Europe. We secured our first international contract of body armour for Spanish Army. In 2008, we ventured into platform protection by acquiring AST, GmbH, a German company with expertise in the domain.

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (5)

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (6)

Diversification and opening new avenues

In 2016, we diversified into Soldier Optronics and within a few years, we developed the complete technology in-house. In 2019, we launched our first set of night vision devices and have since then launched night vision and thermal weapon sights, monocular, Bi-ocular and hand held devices.

Achieving large-scale expansion

In the past 3 decades, we have expanded our customer footprint to over 100 countries globally and have serviced over 230 forces till date. We have established a global network of over 50 channel partners that service our customers locally and have empowered over 3 million soldiers and armoured over 3000 platforms.

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (7)

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (8)

Gaining an extensive R&D capability

Our rich experience and deep understanding of the requirements and challenges faced by heroes in the line of duty, coupled with extensive R&D capability gives us the expertise and authority to successfully design, develop and deliver solutions that empower our heroes. We share the passion for thought leadership and technological advancements & take pride in formulating better and smarter solutions across range that boost comfort and confidence.

In the past 3 decades, we have expanded our customer footprint to over 100 countries globally and have serviced over 230 forces till date. We have established a global network of over 50 channel partners that service our customers locally and have empowered over 3 million soldiers and armoured over 3000 platforms.

Major MIlestones













Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (9)

Established as M Kumar Udyog

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (10)

The sole supplier of fibreglass helmets to the Indian Army

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (11)

Introduced personal protection solutions alongside body armour & helmets

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (12)

Secured first international contract of Body Armour for Spanish army.

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (13)

Rebranded to MKU

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (14)

Acquired AST GMBH, Germany and ventured into Helicopter and Naval Vessel

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (15)

Diversified partnerships & sales to over 100 countries

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (16)

Ventured into Electro-Optics

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (17)

Secured largest contract for Helmets from MOD, India

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (18)

Partnered with over 50 countries through our channel partner program

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (19)

Commenced commercial production of night vision & thermal devices

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (20)

Embarked on a mission to make the world a safer place for the generations to come.


Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (21)

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (22)

Manoj Gupta

Chairman, MKU

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (23)

Mr Manoj Gupta, Chairman of MKU Limited is credited with turning his family owned multi-business organization into a world class conglomerate. Today he heads the ‘GKG Group’ a diverse and versatile group of companies with units including Defence and Aerospace, Infrastructure and Construction. A thorough family man, great orator, practical and worldly-wise, he enjoys golf, swimming and squash.


Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (24)

Neeraj Gupta

Managing Director, MKU

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (25)

A people’s person, a keen observer, and a great networker Mr Neeraj Gupta is constantly exploring newer ideas and horizons for growing the business. His constant quest for expansion and innovation has seen the company diversify into aerospace components and state of art electro-optics division. He was instrumental in MKU’s foray into the armour business which he has successfully taken to over 100 countries.


Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (26)

Prachi Gupta

CEO, Optronics Business

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (27)

An angel investor, a technology enthusiast Prachi, is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Electro Optics Business Division. Prachi Gupta a BE (Systems Engineering) from University of Warwick, UK is passionately managing the division of electro-optics and is resolute to deliver niche & cutting-edge solutions for the global defence sector with indigenous technology.


Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (28)

Sumit Khandelwal

Director, Armour Operations

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (29)

Mr Sumit Khandelwal, Director Operations MKU Ltd is heading the Armour Business Operations. His rich experience of 3 decades in managing technical operations and manufacturing value-added specialty armour products helped MKU become the leader in the Armour industry within a short span of time. Mr Khandelwal is also leading EIS Electronics Business Unit, as ‘Managing Director’; one of the other prominent GKG group company.


Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (30)

Manish Khandelwal

Director, Armour R & D

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (31)

Donning multiple hats, shuttling between roles and responsibilities as a Business leader, Innovator and Tech Lead within the organization Mr Manish Khandelwal is the man behind introducing most of ground-breaking products from house of MKU. He is proficiently leading the MKU in-house research wing for last 25 years.


Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (32)

Karan Gupta

VP, Strategy & New Business Development

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (33)

Karan is steering the corporate strategy and new business development for MKU ltd. An Electrical Engineer from Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Mr Karan Gupta is seizing MKU to the next level by being instrumental in creating a culture of operational excellence throughout the organization with a core focus on customer centricity. He is leading the internal Process Improvement, Automation, Sales & Marketing for MKU.


Manoj Gupta

Neeraj Gupta

Prachi Gupta

Sumit Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal

Karan Gupta

GKG Group

We are a part of the GKG group which has a vision ‘to create and sustain a progressive manufacturing culture that adopts the latest technologies and innovations to improve the quality and safety of lives for generations to come'.

Collectively, under the GKG Group, we intend to positively impact every life that we touch through the quality of our products and our interaction.’ Under the able guidance and of Mr. G. K. Gupta (1946-2012), the group companies have grown leaps and bounds in name, stature and size. Its 8 manufacturing facilities are spread over 3 countries, 6 are located in India, 1 in Germany and 1 in UAE. Its products are sold in over 100 countries and exports contribute 54% of its revenues. The domestic business is evenly balanced between govt. supplies and sales to the private sector.


Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (35)

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (36)

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (37)

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (38)


Connected to the community

We are strongly connected to the community and extremely aware of our responsibilities to towards it. Under our CSR initiatives we have initiated various programs in the field of education, medical and green energy.

Sustainability initiatives-

MKU endeavours to use solar energy across all of its manufacturing facilities. We are also dedicated towards developing rainwater conservation in our facilities to promote the usage of renewable energy resources.

Educational initiatives-

We sponsor the education of children belonging to the underprivileged sections of the society, which would help them achieve gainful employment and financial independence.

Medical initiatives-

We offer financial aid to patients suffering from diseases of the kidney and other allied illnesses. The trust also organizes medical camps in factories and rural areas to provide specialized medical care to people living in backward and remote areas.

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (39)

We Deliver

We are committed to delivering confidence. We do this by harnessing the power of innovation, technology and knowledge. Creating smart solutions is a philosophical cornerstone of our product development process.

Our 'smart solutions' are represented by the letter ‘K’ in our logo. It embodies everything we do, and how we think. Our solutions are backed by our smart trinity which includes smart functionality, smart design and smart technology.

Smart trinity is the foundation that is woven into every solution we deliver, and gives an edge to ensure that our heroes remain confident, irrespective of the challenge they face in the line of duty.

What We Do

We develop solutions for soldiers and platforms, with the intention to provide an edge to our heroes in challenging situations, an edge thatinstillsconfidence in them.

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (40)

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (41)

We are turning night into day for our heroes with our range ofoptronics solutions they can operate with efficiency and confidencein challenging situations. No matter how dark their surroundings are. Optronic solutions from NETRO enable our soldiers to have better situational awareness, target acquisition capabilities and support them to make quick and effective decisions.

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (42)

Our range of smart optronic solutions for soldiers are industry leading solutions which have been completely developed in-house with extensive R&D efforts and rapid technology adoptions. We develop and manufacture night vision and thermal weapon sights, monocular, Bi-ocular and hand held devices.


Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (43)

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (44)

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (45)

We provide exceptional protection gear to deliver the performance our heroes need, we stand firmly between them and the bullet, no matter where they are and what bullet they face. We manufacture smart personal protection and platform protection solutions which give our heroes multi-threat protection, using patented technologies and systems developed with years of research and development.

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (46)

We giveour soldiers the protection they need by equipping them with smart solutionswhich includes Ballistic Helmets, Body Armour & Ballistic Shields and Blankets.Our smart solutions are cutting-edge as they are technology and innovation-focused.


Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (47)

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (48)

We design and develop smart armouring solutions for air, naval and land platforms. We offer end to end solutions from design, development, manufacturing and integration of light weight composite armour for platforms and vehicles. Weare globally certified as per Aerospace Standard AS 9100:2009 and follows EN 9100 quality procedures.


Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (49)


Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (50)

Smart Trinity is the amalgamation of smart functionality, smart design, and smart technology. It forms the foundation on which all our solutions are designed, developed and delivered to our heroes.

Smart is a mind set, of always challenging the limits of design and technology, of exactly understanding the usage, requirement and environments, and then developing the most ideal solutions that make a difference. It is about thinking from the users perspective and not from our own.

Innovation is at the core of what we do

Innovation is a mindset at MKU. We focus our investments on innovation, design and development of smart solutions that empower our heroes.We invest heavily on R&D and have dedicated design teams and technical experts at our facilities in India and Germany.Our R&D capabilities allow us to constantly enhance capabilities and performance in our solutions to ensure that we remain atthe forefront of the industry.

We are one of the leadingdefencecompanies in the domain of optronics andarmouringsolutionswith expertise and capability that few others can match.Over 60 engineers work non-stop at the MKU Technical Centre which isrecognised as a research and development facilityby the Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. Of Indiafor military grade technology and applications

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (51)

Our Inhouse sensor testing labs

We have inhousesensor testing labs,a world classballistic testing lab which conforms to themost stringent specifications specified byNIJ 0101.06, STANAG 4569 and NIJ 0108.01,to sophisticated environmental and performance testing labs,and equipment for both optronics andarmoursolutions.

Our Patented Technologies

We have developed and patented over 20 new technologies and solutions,recognisedall over the world that arecontinuously empowering our heroes across the globe. We offerarmouringsolutions to protect from over 100+ threats and arealong termpartner with Thales, France, DRDO, India and other leadingorganisationsand work on various co-development projects forco-development of Optronics andArmourproducts and solutions.

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (52)

Smart Infrastructure
that Inspires

We empower heroes though 4 manufacturing facilities spread over 400,000 sq. ft. between India and Germany which employ over 500 people.

They are equipped with the most modern plant and machinery including clean rooms, electronic and optics development, testing andassembly infrastructure that complies to MIL standards for Optronics andlaser cutters, automatic cutting & stitching machines, large heavy duty presses and water jet machines for armouring solutions.

Certified Solutions and Quality Management Systems

Our solutions and products are tested and certified by leading laboratories and organisations across the world and we follow some of the stringent quality management systems in the world. Every product that leaves our factories is tested to prescribed standards.Our products undergo over 70 quality checks during various stages of production, packaging and until delivery.

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (53)

We follow NATO AQAP Standards

We follow the NATO AQAP standards. Our facilities areISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001:2015, AS-9100D/EN9100, OHSAS 18001andBA9000certified.

Performance Certified

Our armour solutions are certified for performance as per the NIJ 0101.06 standard specified by the National Institute of Justice, USA which is one of the most stringent and toughest certification in the world and purports lifecycle compliance of the armour at all the stages of its entire service life.

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (54)

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (55)

is for
on you

The letter ‘U’ in our logo represents YOU; our heroes who rely on us during challenging situations.

We are constantly working to further harness the power of technology, innovation and knowledge to empower you, and deliver more power to you, through our smart products and solutions so that you can trust us to stand bravely in the line of duty and to feel confident while doing so.

We are constantly exploring newer ways to add more power to you.

Our Priority

We are aware of our purpose and our mission to make this world a safer place for generations to come.

We are extremely proud of the fact that we are in a position to empower heroes that are making this a reality. Our team understands that. It is about responsibility and we ensure that nothing, but the best goes out to our heroes

Empowering Heroes to safeguard the future for generations to come (2024)


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.